Movie Title Madness

What took me the longest, and what I left for last, was my movie title. I really wanted something unique, and although my peers were giving me ideas like "The Hunted," "Gone," "Taken," all of those just seemed so expected and unoriginal. So originally, I was gonna name it "The Lion's Lamb," kind of sounds like the movie title, "The Silence of the Lambs"(great murder movie) maybe that's why it came to mind. I knew that a Lion symbolized strength and power, and a lamb symbolized something more docile. Sort of like a Murderer and his Victim?? I thought it was good idea, but apparently I was the only one that thought so. I asked a few people if they liked it and most of the responses either included them asking if it had anything to do with religion or if it was a romance. So scratch that idea.
      So I went the easy route, the route I didn't want to take. I looked up synonyms of words like "disappear," "gone," "vanished," and it seems like I got lucky. I found the word "Evanescent"-adj. soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing-seemed good enough, and the spelling/pronunciation is pleasant, like it WOULD  be a movie title.

I picked a nice font, slanted the letters, added some creepy music and a fade to the title.. get it.. Evanescent.. title fades away.. I thought it was a nice play on the word/meaning.
